Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TAG...You're it!!

What is his name? Daniel Steven Smith

How long have you been together? Together 5 and married for 1 1/2 years about.

How long did you date? 1 year before his mission and then as soon as he got back. I guess the two years on his mission didn't really count...

Who eats more? Of what? Oh I would say Daniel.

Who said I love you first? Daniel did, he said I hinted around it a lot so he knew he could say it!

Who is taller? He is.

Who is smarter? Oh I think Daniel is the smart one, I'm just the pretty one. haha Kidding.

Who does the laundry? I do. I love laundry

Who does the dishes? Me for sure, I'm a control freak.

Who sleeps on the right? He does.

Who pays the bills? We are both good about doing them.

Who mows the lawn? He would if we had a lawn.

Who cooks dinner? We both do, Dan is the best cook!

Who drives when you are together? Depends, usually him.

Who is more stubborn? Oh we are both pretty stubborn!

Who kissed who first? He kissed me! My friend Jordie saw the whole thing she was looking out the window from my house. Oh good times! It was the best kiss ever!

Who asked who out first? Yep that was me, he wouldn't have done it! I had a huge crush on him so I just went for it. I even paid!

Who proposed? He did, I ruined it though, I wanted the ring so bad that I kind of made him do it in his parents hallway and ruined his whole plan for the next day. oops! But it was worth it, I got pink roses later that night.

Who has more siblings? Yeah Daniel beats me there!

Who wear the pants? Oh I would say me I tell ya I'm a control freak!

Well there ya go! I tag everyone on my list!!


Steph said...

hehehe!!! love that you did it!!! sucka!

Jamie Hadlow said...

I'm taking you up on your challenge. I'm posting on my hubby...