So I called Daniel yesterday from work and asked what he wanted to do that night, and he said I want to take you to dinner. I was excited we haven't done a real date night for a little while. So I called him and told him I was leaving work and wanted to go get some shampoo and conditioner and he kept saying no you need to hurry and get home to get ready. I was a little bummed but knew I didn't need it right away, so I got home and did my usual routine of saying hi to kitty and Dan was like hurry, get dressed. So I finally am ready and we are just barely on the road when I told him I wanted to call Amy and say hi. He was like no, (oh by the way he wouldn't tell me where we were going) well you can but she might tell you where we were going. I really thought we were going to Texas Roadhouse cause we both love it. But then he started for the freeway and I was like "oh freeway huh, must be somewhere good, is it Rodizzio Grill?" He was so shocked I had guessed it! He was like you talked to Amy didn't you! I promise I really didn't, he just always talks about how he wants to go there and I had never been. The reason I had to hurry and get dressed is because we had reservations at 6. I have the cutest husband, it was a fun date. Their food was so good, I'm not a big meat person but I had some really good stuff. I had a hard time with some of it because it's cooked over an open flame and some of it tasted like camp fire. I felt bad, but Dan knows I'm a picky eater! :) Dan was in heaven, it was so cute! I would definitely go back again, whether Dan thinks so or not. Thanks love for one of the best date nights ever! I have the sweetest husband ever!
Blink and 18 months went away.
3 years ago
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