Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter and Birthday Party

Happy Easter everyone!(yes I know it's a day late)We had a really fun weekend. On Saturday we went down to Steph's house and had the birthday/easter egg hunt dinner for the Smith side. We celebrated the triplets, mine and Jake's birthday for March. It was really fun. Thanks to everyone that got Dan and I birthday gifts!!


On Sunday we went to my parents house and had an Easter Egg hunt and dinner. It was awesome because Leigh and her family were able to come over from Colorado. I haven't seen her since last April. I was so excited to see her. Boy have Brendan and Logan gotten big! The kids had so many toys and candy to look for, we all thought they would be fast but no it took them so long that the parents ended up getting the rest of the toys themselves. They got distracted by the first few things they got! I love that all of my siblings were able to be there, I've missed that.


Kathryn said...

Happy Birthday to you and the triplets!

Daniel and Whitney said...

Thank you!!