Thursday, March 20, 2008

My day with Boston

Yesterday I was able to babysit Boston. We had fun and he is such an easy baby to take care of. The picture with his bum in the air is from his nap that morning and that is exactly how he fell asleep and stayed that way for like and hour. It was so cute. We went to lunch with his Mommy and she loved it. We just played with his toys and even made a trip to Target. I love being able to spend time with him, so thanks Tim and Kate for letting me babysit!!


Zack Family said...

Thanks for watching him! He is the best baby, I love him so much. He had fun with you too!

Jamie Hadlow said...

I love the bum in the air pic. It must be a family thing because Jax used to sleep like that too! Sometimes he still does...